Friday, March 4, 2011

Post Number Four

Got my headphones yesterday. And all I can say is that they are amazing. At first listen, I was pretty disappointed. The balance was almost painful. It felt way too airy and the bass was definitely lacking. But after some tinkering with the EQ, saying they are eargasmic is an understatement. I was pretty bored yesterday, so I actually snapped a couple photos. You know, for the mem'ries.

Me and my AKG K701s
I did some listening to music, played some black ops and reach. And each had their own certain feel in terms of audio quality. Some was a bit much to handle, but I realized that my PC would be a perfect buffer for now. I didn't bother buying an amp at the same time, for fiscal reasons, and I could definitely tell they weren't reaching their full potential. I decided to run all my sound through my on board sound card and the results were definitely noticeable. I now have it to the point where I am satisfied with all the sounds that I hear (footsteps, gunshots, explosions) and they all sound good.

$275 did sound like a lot when I was shopping around, but after reading reviews and finding out all that I could about them, I am definitely satisfied with my purchase and I am looking forward to using them as much as I can in the future.

In other news, I decided to become good at Halo. I used to play a bunch, but now that I played Blops for so long, I can feel my skills are slipping. So, ima become pro. Maybe.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do they have one of the mini 'rca' plugs or whatever? man, they must sound good.

  3. They look pretty slick man! And I agree, playing black ops really does make your halo skills suffer, it's hard to keep up to date on both!

  4. Any updates on the headphones? Are they still suiting you well?

  5. I don't like headphones that big :P

  6. 275 bucks is too much for me..
